230 ஆண்டுகள் பழமையும், பாரம்பரியமும் கொண்ட ஆஸ்ரமம்

அன்பே சிவம்! சிவமே சகலமும் !!

If you rub rasamani on aluminium, ash will come out of the aluminium.

Thanks for reading.

In case the residents of India are not able to come and collect the rasamani

in person, the amount can be paid to the following SBI Bank Account number  through NEFT Payment or SBI Cash Deposit Machine and also  can be paid through “Paytm”, "G Pay" Or UPI Money Transfer. Amount Can also send via Cheque, D.D., and Money Order. If you give the details over the Phone or WhatsApp, the rasamani will be sent safely by courier or by post. Thanks...

Paytm, G-Pay Number :  9003561510

Sithar Magan. Srinivasan

Bank Details :
A/C. NO : 10860240733
IFS CODE : SBIN0000938

Address to which money order

should be sent :
Sri Dhandapani Ashrama Valaisiddar Trust,
Sri Dhandapani Ashramam,
Mountain Pathway,
Near Mulaippal Theertham,
Tiruvannamalai. 606 601.

Foreigners can also send money through Western Union Money Transfer. Rasamins Will be sent safely.

For order's please contact :
Siddar Magan. Srinivasan
Sri Dhandapani Ashrama ValaiSiddar Trust,
Sri Dhandapani Ashramam,
Mountain Pathway,
Near : MulaippalTheertham,
Tiruvannamalai. 606 601.
TamilNadu. India.

Mobile & WhatsApp : +91-9003561510
Office Mob & WApp : +91-9894803009, +91-9003561510
Website : www.valaisiddar.com    

The excess of either of VATHA, PITHA or KAPHA can cause the following disorders.

VATHA – The air we breathe in
PITHA – The necessary heat for the body for proper functioning
KAPHA – The necessary cooling for the body for proper functioning
* When the balance of
VATHA is lost, 1482 ailments arise
* When the balance of
PITHA is lost, 1482 ailments arise
*Similarly, when the balance of
KAPHA is lost, 1482 ailments arise.

When a person wears the Rasamani,

* Rejuvenation to the body happens
* Smooth Blood flow function
* Blood pressure under control
* Moreover, Blood will be purified
* It helps cleanse the bottom chakra called
* Aura amplified
* Mental prowess attained
* Physical strength and vigor regardless of age
* The attractiveness is amplified
* Dark forces, evil spirits are shielded to the wearer
* Black magic is repelled
* Growth in Business and Occupation
* Shields from mishaps
* Memory power amplified
* Good intimacy and understanding between couples.
* Shields babies and kids from frequent illness

RASAMANI is created from a liquid form of mercury that has been cleansed and purified using a herbal decoction infused with medicinal properties.

The Siddhars have foretold that wearing RASAMANI (after attaining spiritual prowess) used to acquire eight great powers.

(1) அணிமா (anima ) – Shrinking objects
(2) மஹிமா (mahima ) – Expanding objects
(3) லஹிமா (lahima ) – Making objects weightless
(4) கரிமா (karima) – Making weightless objects extremely heavy
(5) பிராப்த்தி (prapththi) – Unrestricted access to all places (Dimensions)
(6) பிரகாமியம் (pirakamiyam) – Realising whatever one desires

     (Eg:assuming the form of a phoenix)
(7) ஈசத்துவம் (eesathuvam) – Possessing absolute lordship
(8) வசித்துவம் (vasithuvam) – Power to subjugate all

They have not explained in detail how to do that. Even if people could not or cannot achieve these feats, one can still make use of the benefits of wearing a Rasamani.

There are six types of Rasamani prepared by Tiruvannamalai, Bramarishi.

Test - 3

225 years old Ashram with tradition

MOBILE & WHATSAPP : +91-9003561510, +91-9894803009

The Siddhars researched yoga, spirituality and enlightenment in addition to traditional Indian medicine. Today, we do not really comprehend how the metallurgical shift happened. They transformed other metals into gold and various other metals through the process of alchemy RASAVADHAM is the term of the technique.

4. Vallaba Mani (Hormone Imbalance

rectifying specialty Mani)
* Must be worn in hip.
* Contains the powers of Bogar Mani.
*Suppress diabetes.
* Balances the hormones.
* Improves eyesight.
* Rectifies insomnia.
* Cures Joint pains.
*Constipation relaxant

If you leave a drop of mercury in the rasamani, swirl it in your palm and place it in water, the rasamani will turn golden in minutes… this is the action of navapashashanam…

2. Raja Vasiya Mani  (Mani which subjugates abundances)
* Men can wear it in neck and women can

keep in purses.
* Contains the previous Grahadhoshanivarthi rasamani powers infused
* Victory over Exams, Lawsuits and Functions.
* Dark forces are repelled
* Subjugation of abundances in work and business
* Attainment of powers possible
* Happiness in family
* Victory over deeds when focused properly

Test - 2

Test - 1

3. Bogar Mani (Mani which grants vigor)
* Contains the powers of Raja Vasiya Mani.
* Infused with herb decoction, prevents

  and sets right the ailments.
* Wore in hip
* Stabilizes the VATHA, PITHA and KAPHA

  and cures the ailments related to the 

  imbalance of the three.
* Keeps body energized.
* Aura Amplified.
* Blood flow stabilized, no Blood pressure

  issues arise thus no paralysis ever.
* Asthma prevented and cured.
* Increases vigor in intercourse.
* Sliding to the back when in intercourse, 

  increases the stamina.

Some methods of testing Rasamani :

If you pour a little cow's milk to submerge the rasamani Turns

into curd within a minute or two...

5. Sundara Mani (Students Specific Mani)
* Contains the powers of Bogar Mani
* Sets right the imbalances of VATHA,

* Increases brain function.
* Drastically improves memory.
* Improves focus.
* Facilitates in achieving goal.
* Sets right the hormonal imbalances.
* Prevents diabetes.

6. Shakthi Mani (Women Specialized Mani)
* Made specifically for women.
* Contains the powers of Bogar Mani.
* Sets right VATHA, PITHA and KAPHA imbalances.

RASA – Mercury Vadham – Philosophy

Rasamani, a mercurial amalgamation created by the Siddhars, it was one of their inventions. Mercury is the element that makes up Rasa. A Mani is a pearl or a pendant, depending on the context. Rasakuligai, a form of highly specialized rasamani used by the Siddhars, is one such technique. The Siddhars employ these strong rasamani, imbued with Vedic chanting, to travel from one place to another (inter-dimensionally or intra-dimensionally) simply by putting them in their mouth. They could also fly from one location to another. Back in ancient times, used by a Siddhar named Bogar to travel from India to China.

Those who are able to free themselves from the shackles of their bonds are gifted with spiritual powers are genuinely extraordinary beings. There are three main components of human body namely Vatha, PithaandKapha and these three are very vital components.

Illustrated above is the relation between VATHA, PITHA and KAPHA with the five elements.

Prices : Each rasamani weighs 39 grams.
( Postal Charges Extra For "Foreign Transit" )
1. Graha Dosha NiverthiMani – 7,700 INR
2. Raja Vasiya Mani – 9,300 INR
3. Bogar Mani – 10,800 INR
4. Vallaba Mani – 12,600 INR
5. Sundara Mani – 10,400 INR

6. Shakthi Mani – 10,800 INR

Rasamanis – Mercury Beads with Navapashanam

( Parad Gutika )

Bogar Rasamani

1. Graha Dosha Niverthi Mani (Mani which absolves and sets right the astrological imbalances)
* Men can wear it in neck and women can

  keep in purses
* Kept in worshipping place at home
* Astrological planetary imbalances are

* Amplifies the goodness
* Reduces the sufferings